Friday, March 29, 2019

MODULE 2: Blog Set-Up

CREATE  A new blog using If you have an old blog, don't use it. Start a fresh blog for this class. 

WRITE  An About Me gadget in the sidebar — using the Blogger-generated profile or a blank text box or both.

READ  The instructions and tips in the tab above labeled Blog Prompt. See at the end a few tips about hallmarks of a good blog post.

BROWSE  The links in the right-hand column that will take you to blogs created by students last spring — and use them as models. 

Getting Started

When you sign into, the first thing it will ask you to do is pick a URL. Try your name first. If Blogger says it's not available, try adding 1450 to make it unique. So mine might look like this: deansmith1450.

— During that step, Blogger will also ask you to make up a title for your blog. This blog will be specific to this class, so it can be something related to the title of the course, Media Law & Literacy. Be straightforward or be creative. Doesn't matter because you can always change it later.

— Next, Blogger will ask you to choose a template. Don't fret much about this because you can always change it later. Start by picking one under the theme SIMPLE or PICTURE WINDOW.

— Now that you've created a blog, Blogger will put you in the editing view. Look for POSTS in the left hand column and click that. Now look for NEW POST and click that.

BLOG POST #1  Tell us about your TOP FIVE SOURCES OF NEWS AND INFORMATION. Link to them so we can check them out. Write ONE PARAGRAPH for EACH ONE telling us why you like them and why you would recommend them to us.


Look at the blog rolls on the right hand side of this page. Click on some of the links to see how students have managed their blogs in past classes. Have fun with it!

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