Sunday, March 24, 2019

Week 5, Day 1: The Progressive Era

RECITATION  The Progressive Era, Marketplace of Ideas and the Modern First Amendment.  This is the last of the traditional history lectures, thus ending the Media Law half of the course.

VIDEO (13 min.) —

VIDEO (first 3 min.) —

VIDEO (2.5 min.) —

REFLECT   Think about the role of dissent, especially about war, and the role of the First Amendment in protecting it. As we saw in the historical recitation above, the Progressive Era was fired up by WWI — specifically antiwar voices who did not want America to get involved. They were persecuted for their antiwar views, and hundreds of them were thrown into jail just for voicing their opinions.

BLOG #7  Fast forward to today, when the United States government is waging military operations all over the globe. Explore this website: ANTIWAR.COM  Also explore this one: The American Conservative  Notice how the writers on these sites are all very strong antiwar voices that you NEVER seem to hear in the mainstream news. I wonder why that is, don't you? You've probably never even heard of these websites. I wonder why that is? Why do you think you have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices?

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